Friday, October 31, 2014

 what is your personal narrative about?
- why did you choose this topic?
- what is ONE thing you did really well in this piece of writing?
- what are your strengths as a writer?
- what are some areas you would like to improve upon? How?

My personal narrative is about when I broke my arm and I was about to be in the mozart semi final contest

I choose this topic because I want other people to know about when I broke my arm.

I think one thing I did well is to share true and exact story so other will understand me better

My strength as a writer is to write funny story.

The area I want to improve is at the ending, I need to make my ending be a memerable part and make everybody remember my story well. And at the ending it should answer all the question during the story and at the first part of the story.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

fourth's reading goal


My reading goal is to use all of the comprehension strategies and to not use the same strategies more tham 1 time in a week.

It going great and I have a bin to the strategy I have already work in 1 week.

 when I look through my reading journal I don't use 1 comprehension strategy more than 1 time a week.

I was succesful because all the time from when I start my goal, I use every goal and not the same for each week. 

I think my next reading goal is to reading for a longer period of time.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Thursday, March 13, 2014



                             In this project I learn a lot of thing that my friends think ( what is really matter to them). And I learn how to write a good persuasive essay, what is a persuasive essay, how is a persuasive essay different from a sentences or a paragraph    -ECT-I also learn how to use Voice-thread, If I don"t do this project I won't know what is a Voice-thread. And this help me know that what is the other student think about to have a 3 days weekend, and it help me to think about other essay that i didn't think about before ( Like: May be to have NO homework is a good Idea, or may be the government should step down, or I think we should recycle the trash. ( for example) )

                            I think the things I really, really did well is
What I think I will do better next time:
What is this project for:
What I like about this project:
Why I choose this topic:

Thursday, February 27, 2014


       REFLECTION: My perpose about this project is to know more about Brazil in every way, to grow more idea about brazil. In this project I have learn more about Brazil Holidays and festival, it help me to remember more holidays and festival in Brazil from past. Because at past I have only one book of Brazil and the book is very neat, no picture to hook me to read. So I can remember only one festival, Carnival festival. The thing I like about this project is because it help me to know MORE about Brazil, not only holidays and festivals, but I also lrearn about other things to. For example learn more about music, art, language, cultural contrabution, Custume and still more and more. Actually I dont know what I want to change about my project, I didn't mean that I am the best, but I think this is the best I can made or if I really want to change I will change the organization. I think the thing I did well is shearshing detale, organization ( putting the detale on a good place ). AND THIS IS ALL MY REFLCTION ABOUT THIS PROJECT.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Personal and Histrorical timeline

Reflection : My perpose of doing this project is to actually reremember what I have done in the past in my life time. This timeline told me some important thing that happend during my life time. And it also told me some event when I was a kid that I cant remember. The thing I like about this project is, it help me to rethink of the past important moment in my life. I think the thing I did well is writing my personal event. And the next time that I have to do this I want to have more detial bout historical timeline event.