Thursday, February 27, 2014


       REFLECTION: My perpose about this project is to know more about Brazil in every way, to grow more idea about brazil. In this project I have learn more about Brazil Holidays and festival, it help me to remember more holidays and festival in Brazil from past. Because at past I have only one book of Brazil and the book is very neat, no picture to hook me to read. So I can remember only one festival, Carnival festival. The thing I like about this project is because it help me to know MORE about Brazil, not only holidays and festivals, but I also lrearn about other things to. For example learn more about music, art, language, cultural contrabution, Custume and still more and more. Actually I dont know what I want to change about my project, I didn't mean that I am the best, but I think this is the best I can made or if I really want to change I will change the organization. I think the thing I did well is shearshing detale, organization ( putting the detale on a good place ). AND THIS IS ALL MY REFLCTION ABOUT THIS PROJECT.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Personal and Histrorical timeline

Reflection : My perpose of doing this project is to actually reremember what I have done in the past in my life time. This timeline told me some important thing that happend during my life time. And it also told me some event when I was a kid that I cant remember. The thing I like about this project is, it help me to rethink of the past important moment in my life. I think the thing I did well is writing my personal event. And the next time that I have to do this I want to have more detial bout historical timeline event.