Thursday, March 13, 2014



                             In this project I learn a lot of thing that my friends think ( what is really matter to them). And I learn how to write a good persuasive essay, what is a persuasive essay, how is a persuasive essay different from a sentences or a paragraph    -ECT-I also learn how to use Voice-thread, If I don"t do this project I won't know what is a Voice-thread. And this help me know that what is the other student think about to have a 3 days weekend, and it help me to think about other essay that i didn't think about before ( Like: May be to have NO homework is a good Idea, or may be the government should step down, or I think we should recycle the trash. ( for example) )

                            I think the things I really, really did well is
What I think I will do better next time:
What is this project for:
What I like about this project:
Why I choose this topic: