Thursday, March 12, 2015

Persuasive Essays Writing Reflection

-Which topic did you decide to choose for this essay? Should student be able to choose what they want to learn?
-Why did you decide to choose this topic? Because I also want to choose my own subject.
-What was the most challenging part? Why? The most challenging part is to find the author of the web for the citation because there was none!  
-What was the best part? Why? The best part is when I am done with all the hard work. I feel (nothing) proud of myself
-What would be your next idea for a persuasive essay? Why? My next idea would be, there should be 4 days of school and 3 days of weekend! Because I want to have 3 days weekend and I want to compare this new one to the old ( same topic ) one I did in grade 4.