Thursday, September 3, 2015

Summer school day twelve reflection

 today we made

science reflection
How did you design your vessle?
We design our vessle that stick 6 plastic bottle together to make it lighter than the volume with water.
Did your group work well?
yes, we don't have any problem.because we understand what we are doing and we devide the work equally.

My gaol setting 6th grade, E port folio

Step One: Reflection

In order to choose appropriate goals, you need to assess strengths and areas that need


1. Review the habits of mind rubric and honestly assess yourself in each category.

My habit of mind rubric

Work Completion

white  songs
white  song white    i love hearing eat
mr. algebra i love is sick i




2. Reflect on your previous grade report and/or teachers comments, do they reflect what you

think you know? Are there areas you would like to improve?
My 5th teacher reflected that I am not good at reading. So I want to improve on reading.

a. Do you keep the same tense when writing?
Some time I forget about past tense but some of my friends will sometimes help me.

b. Are your reading at home?
I always reading at home but somedays only read 5 minutes and somedays read for 30 minutes.

c. Do you check your work for errors (computation/grammar) before submitting?
I check when a teacher remind me because I probably a very bad kids

3. List your interests and activities that you currently participate in and once you would like to

try. Using this information, reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses.

  • I like to play basketball
  • board games
  • electronic games
  • with group of people 

a. What can you work to improve?
To improve in basketball I need to practice every day that I can. And never give up because if I give up I will never made it.

b. What do you want to be better at?
I want to be better at art, math and reading

c. What do you want to try?
I want to try to fly to Europe and America, learn out side of my home country, Get all E's in school and go hiking.

Set Goals

for each of the POPs, Head (knowledge), Hands (skills), and Heart (values).

Heart (values)

My goal is: I will have more than 3 good friends
                                             My friend Maxima

Hands (skills)

My goal is: I will complete my project on time and done perfectly ( summative and formative )

Head (knowledge)

My goal is: I will get more than 230 for reading, 260 for math and 235 for language

Steps I will take to achieve my goal: For heart, I need to be a good friend and I will not leave my friends alone. Also I will not lie and hurt me and all my friend's feelings.
For hand, I will prepared for every project and arrange my time so that I have times to do my project. Also work hard and do hard work be cause if we try, we will make it.
For head, I need to study hard and prepare for MAP. I need to read books, practice some tense and do some quiz every day

I will do this by ( How ): List what I need to do to achieve my goal and stick it up on the place that I always look at for example, in the bathroom, doors, computer ect.

Why  do I choose this goal?: Heart, because I think that if we have friends when we do something wrong, if we have a friend next to us, they can help our heart to feel a lot better.
Hands, I think to complete your work on time is a easy thing to do but it can help to prepare things and we can do hard work so when we go to High School we can done our work perfectly.
Head, I want to improve

I will get help by ( Who ):