Wednesday, November 18, 2015

science inner of earth project

This is me with my summative inside Earth project. I feel really good about the model. But I don't have much time for the information. So I think that I can do a better job if I have organize my plan for model time, and research time.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Science reflection

Science reflection

How well have you been doing in General Science this quarter?

Habits of Mind
Work Completion
I feel like I am a good role model for my groups I worked with before. I kept people on task when they were playing. When someone don't understand, I help them to answer by giving them clue

I don't forget notebooks, pencils,eraser and other equipment needed for the class.

I feel like I completed my assessments on time. But I don't think I met the quality of work Ms.Jenny want to get from students.
I participate every time Ms.Jenny spoke, but not all the time when working. I speak Thai when I don't know the word and when the person near me speak thai. I answer question I can answer and listen to the answer friends answer that I don't know and learn