Friday, May 27, 2016

Books goal for summer

1. The marvels
sImage result for marvels logo
2. harry potter

Image result for harry potter logo

3. The Mysterious Benedict Society series
Image result for the Mysterious Benedict Society series

4. Horrible series
 Image result for horrible histories

science end of the year project

My science end of the year project about chemistry.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

science Density tube lab

Science Density Tube Lab


1. Plastic beads looks like it contain the least amount of atoms9not including air. The water that reduce it compare to the other seems like the least
2. Popcorn kernel looks like it's heavier than Plastic beads but still lighter than pingpong.
3.The Pingpong looks like it got lots of air, but also lots of  atoms
*the first three float.
4. the bottle cap is really hard to predict. If we put it so that it looks like a boat, it would float. But if we put it down the other side, it would sink a bit.
5.Cherry tomato looks like it's not that heavy and not that light so I put it in the middle.
6. Alcohol is the lightest liquid substance, lighter than water so i think it's the first one in the liquid group.
7.vegetable oil, as we know, oil is lighter than water, but as I said that Alcohol is the lightest liquid so I think that vegetable oil will be second
8.soap. I'm not sure with soap but I think that it's heavier than oil, and float above water. and lighter than Milk
9.Milk. Because all the other liquid left is sticky, i believe that milk should be here. I think milk is heavier than oil and sink under water.
10. maple syrup. When touch the liquid, It is the least sticky from all the other
11. Honey is stickier than maple syrup, but less sticky than corn syrup.
12.There is only one liquid left which is super sticky so I place it here.
13.bolt looks like it's made up of steel so it's the heaviest so it's place at the bottom of the beaker.

test#1 in order least to greatest
plastic beads
cherry tomato
maple syrup
corn kernel
corn syrup
bolt and bottle cap

test #2 in order

ping pong ball
vegetable oil
plastic bead
milk-in the middle is cherry tomato and popcorn kernel
corn syrup
honey-bottle cap and bolt