Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Post Classical Era Research: The Mongolian Empire

1. What was your part of the presentation? What empire did you present on?
My part is about the collapse. How the dynasty became to an end and  what led to an end. The empire we did is the Song Empire.

2. Name 2-3 ways your empire was similar to other empires. Use evidence from your notes to support your answer.
One way that the Song empire is like the Islamic caliphates is that they were both attacked by the Mongols.Song was attacked by the Mongols in 1279 and Islamic caliphates was attacked by the Mongols in 1258. This shows that an attack can led to the fall of something. It also show how powerful the Mongolians was because they were able to attack empires which eventually became to the fall of that empire.

A way that the song dynasty is like the Medieval Europe is invention. Some invention in the Song dynasty are quite similar the invention in the Medieval Europe. For example, the clock. In the 13th century, Medieval Europe created a Mechanical clock. In 1094, Su Song of the Song dynasty created a clock Tower.

Another invention which is quite similar is the Printing system. In the 15th century, Medieval Europe came up with a Printing machine. In 1041, Song Dynasty made the first Movable type printing. This can shows that people can have the same ideas even though they are far apart, or near. So don't always say that people copy you. It also can conclude that the different of time make it better. Because the invention of the medieval Europe was created later on after the Song Dynasty and it was much more modern and hi-tech than the Song Dynasty.

Another thing that each empire have in common that led to the fall is war or an attack. Islamic end because a war between them and the Byzantine Empire and the Mongols. Even mongols became to an end because the attack by the Ming dynasty. And the Song empire end because the attack by the Mongols. fighting each other always become an end. It also shows that nothing can last for ever, some day, it will still end.

3. Name 2-3 ways your empire was different from other empires. Think about the big picture, not things like they had different inventions or leaders. 

A different that the Song and the Medieval Europe is in the collapse, the Medieval didn't fall because of an attack, but because of a disease. Unlike other Empire Medieval Europe collapse because of the Black Plague  that spread all over Europe an kills people. It start when rats in trading ship come in an make people sick. This is called the Black Death.

Another different is the different between the Song and the Islamic caliphates. It's a different between religion. The Song Dynasty was influence by Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity. On the other hand, the Islamic Caliphates was created with Islam. As it got it name Islamic Caliphates.

4. What was difficult about this project? What would you do differently if you were to do this project again? 
The difficult things are such as researching the right information because each sources has different information and we need to look for the best one. I didn't use duckster as many people use. And I'm not sure if my information are right. But the way I use to look for sites are that they are not .com the most I like is .org and .edu. And I know that Wikipedia is not a reliable source because anyone can edit it.

If I can do it again, I would want to find more sources and maybe use Duckster. But from our presentation we did, we struggle with the kahoot because all the question are messed up. So if I can present again, I would like to fix my kahoot. I also want to speak slower than last time because I felt that I was rushing through the information to get to the end as quick as possible.

Working together is also hard, but we can get pass it. The thing I can do better next time is work with my group and collaborate.

5. What is the best learning you have taken away from this research experience? How will you apply this new knowledge in the future?

The best learning I get is about how Empire end. It teaches me that if we have a weaker army can just make the whole empire collapse. This means that if you do something and you don't practice as hard as other and you are weaker, they can just beat you and you will fall just like the Empire. This also teaches that if you want a good team, you need a good leader. Like Taizu or even Genghis khan.
Image result for songdynasty