Monday, January 25, 2016

Slice Of Life no.2

Day At The Bounce Inc.

 My body was jumping up and down up and down. I know that from 10:00 to 5:00 o'clock I was jumping on tons of trampoline. But now I'm in bed! I assumed that I jump too much during the day.

                        It was Saturday noon and I was in Bounce Inc. Thailand with my friend Sunny (girl), JJ, Asia, Captain, Jinseok, Jay B, Dena, Titi, Nick, Kenny, and Nozomu. We were waiting to play Dodge Ball. Few minute after, me and 7 other friends was lying down on one trampoline each.
"3,2,1 Dodge Ball!" A staff shout and the game begin.

Even though the sentence the staff says was a bit confusing to me because it was not like in school, I still ran out and pick one of the ball for my team. I know that if I throw the ball, the other team will be able to catch it so I pass it to JJ who is near by to me. JJ throws the ball and hit the head of a boy. My team was glad that we kicked out one person from the other team. I suddenly realized that the boy was talking to the staff, I try to listen and I heard him talking about JJ making foul by headshot him and don't get out like what the rule said. JJ heard it, he get out and talk to the boy. They talk together the whole game until the game was done. We need to line up again to play another round cause there are many people. Because we come together, we want to play together. Another eight of us squeezed in together to a line. The staff re-arranges the ball and let us set to position. Like before, the staff said" 3,2,1 Dodge Ball!" and the game begin. JJ ran out to get the ball from the opponent player who is the same Chinese boy who also tried to get the ball. With out passing JJ throw the ball and hit straight into the Chinese boy tummy. While he walk out of the game JJ play like, make fun of him because losing. The boy turn to JJ and make annoying face like what JJ did to him and he smile. He walk to the staff and talk again, this time he talked about JJ making foul by not passing the ball to the back before throw the ball which is a rule. JJ automatically gets kicked out of the game. JJ waits at the front of the line wait for other friends. The Chinese boy walks in and continues play. The seven players that are left in our team continue play, get out and join the line. The Chinese boy was in the top 2 people who get out last so he gets to the end of the line. I thought that the distance between our group and the boy should be really far that we wouldn't be in the same game so he doesn’t have problems with JJ. The next game is about to start, in the opponent side the Chinese boy was laying on the trampoline in front of JJ's trampoline. I was so confusing how he cut the line and come in to the same game as my group. The game start and JJ try to not make fouls. He passed the ball to Titi and received it back. JJ throws the ball at the Chinese boy, he tried to catch it but it hit him and bounces. He pretend like nothing has happen and continues to play. Our team didn't care much so we continue play. The Chinese bay throw the ball back at JJ and JJ catch it. This time, the boy still didn't get out. This time, I told the staff and she shout at the boy to get him out. The Chinese boy looks really mad. Soon after that, JJ was out. JJ and the boy were shouting to each other the whole time. They make fun of each other and tease each other. Every game after that, JJ and the boy have problems. And after every game, they will fight with words to each other. They fight so much we called them "friend." The day was so much fun, at five o'clock, we dismiss each other but the fight of JJ and the trampoline were still not dismissing in my head.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

value second quarter reflection

In value, we learn about water crisis in our world. i studied about the causes, and solution of water crisis. i learn also about which part of the world has the most water crisis and which has no water crisis. Water crisis in Africa  causes people diarrhea and other diseases which let to death. My worse grade is in value because I usually don't complete my work on time. in the next semister, I will complete my work on time with quality and neat work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

math second quater reflection

In this quarter, we learn a lot of things. In the start of the year we learn about normal addition and subtraction, then we move to number with power:
also we did multiplying and dividing numbers and numbers with decimals. 
I did a really good job in average number, in number and operations creating graphs, discussing result,order of operation, and understanding scientific notation. I makes few errors when evaluating expressions with decimals and some number mistakes . To improve I need to work on checking my work two times to make sure that I made no mistake. Also try working more with decimals and number mistake.

Monday, January 11, 2016

social study reflection Quater 2

In Social Study this Quarter, I learn about how the Nile River influence how the people in Egypt live, eat, and use. I never know that a river can influence the people this much. To improve, I need to put in more information. People in Egypt build houses from mud brick which comes from the mud under the river. People eat fishes, hippopotamus and crocodiles which come from the river. People used water to farm plant and water come from the river. People invent boats because they need to transport by the river. This are some way the river influence the people in Egypt.

ETK trip reflection

In December 15-17 6th grader was on an ETK trip to khao yai. I was in group Cool banana. The activity I like the most is hiking even though I hurt my self while cross the river because the nature was very beautiful.

LA Reflection 2

In second quarter, I read non-fiction articles and I learned about the difference structures of non-fiction articles such as Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect or Problems and Solution. From this, it helped me to know how many ways I can write a non-fiction articles. It's my first time to learn about this and I felt good to know something new. The structure can help me in the future for example, in collage I may need to write a non-fiction articles and I will know what kind of structure I need to use to get a better grade.