Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The adventure of Josh James Olive

Summery: Josh James Olive is a son of the richest family in Malibu, the Olives family. The Potion of plantions(not plantations) was stolen by a person and was put in all of the plants in Malibu which makes plants trying to eats human. James and his (dad) friend, Jonish were send by his dad as the member of the hero's family to get the potions that help the plants. But the owner of the potions doesn't let James have the potion! So she send of Yeti to kill them. What should he do?

Beginning: Ordinary World

It’s Saturday morning. The sun was rising from the pond behind my house. Bird singing as I start to open my eye. I walked out of the bed and pushed the button under the bed. My bed start to fold up toward the wall. Today is quite quiet, it’s 7:30 now, “Mr. Red-Haired” should start shouting at his kids, why is it so quiet? I walked pass my little sister garden of LAYS and I walked out to the calm wind.

“Dad!” I shouted. I can’t hear myself! Why can’t I hear! I already wear my cochlear, didn’t I? I found out why I can't hear, I forget my cochlear! I sped up the elevator to the third floor again to look for my cochlear. It’s charging inside my bed. I open the bed from the bottom and pulled out my cochlear. Nasty cochlear, have been hiding in here all night. I walked down the stair and my sister start to complain.

“You wear that nasty “fight for trees” shirt again!” She shouted,“why don’t you wear the garden uniform instead. I told you it looks a lot better than this.”

“Where is dad?” I pretended that I didn’t heard her, her face were like rotten egg. It felt smelly.

“No, no, no. Do not do that little jolly molly! It’s an..” I didn’t finish my sentence, and Jolly start to shoot water out of her eyes.

“Noooo!” I screamed like what girl does when they realize that they didn’t put makeup on their face to come to school “Why does you kept making flood in the house! I don’t want to sweep all of the water outside into the pond again! . Ok, ok, I will change to my garden uniform. “

Jolly stop crying and look at me like I’m the nicest guy in the world. Oh no! Dad’s coming, I don't want to sweep water!  I don’t understand why Jolly have this special power to shot water but I don’t.

“James? What are you doing?” dad sounded like he has seen all of the flood happening.

“Oh, nothing” I answered. I pretend that I didn’t see the flood at all.

Dad puts his and on his head like he has got a headache. I look around for “Sunny day heachache cream which will help you every time you’ve got a headache!” But I can’t find one. I look back at dad and OH My, all the water was out. The floor was not even wet like nothing has happen at all.

“How did you do that?” I asked looking at dad.

“Do what? I didn’t do anything.” Dad answered. “Ask Jolly”

“It was this big plant coming up from the carpet and it swallowed all the water!” Jolly said

“What?” I was confused, no one use their sense and a giant plant just come up. It couldn’t been me, I don’t have special power, I’m just an orphan kid the Olives family get from outside their door.

“What are you saying? Boy!” Dad said.

“No I didn’t say anything!” I said

“You is not an orphan, your mother is Mrs. Olives and your father is me! Don’t you see your special power?”

“No?” I interrupt.

Dad was getting angry. “ That plant, it’s your’s! It was with y………” Dad didn’t finish his sentence. “Peep Peep Peep” The cochlear start to rang. Oh, low battery again.

If u want to read more click there

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

my goal Setting reflexion

Head, My goal is: I will get more than 230 for reading, 260 for math and 230 for language
For language, I met my goal and got 239 for my MAP language score. For math, I didn't met my goal but very close. I got 259 for my math score. Also for reading, I didn't met my goal, but still I got more than last time.

Hand, My goal is: I will complete my project on time and done perfectly ( summative and formative )
My result of my goal, I complete all my work for each subject but I didn't complete it really well on all subject I didn't get all Es for my work completion. The two classes I got Es are Thai and Math:) <3 the teacher sooo much ðŸ˜Š

Heart, My goal is:  I will have 3 good friends

My result is I got lots of friends but 1 really good friend name Risha @glitterrisha
Risha and Me
Me and Risha

french reflection 1 semister

In this semester  I learn about number to 100, how to say verb to be, to have, and verb to do. I learn about verb. days in a week, season, and month. French for me is a new language so I need to work hard

Tuesday, March 1, 2016