Wednesday, March 2, 2016

my goal Setting reflexion

Head, My goal is: I will get more than 230 for reading, 260 for math and 230 for language
For language, I met my goal and got 239 for my MAP language score. For math, I didn't met my goal but very close. I got 259 for my math score. Also for reading, I didn't met my goal, but still I got more than last time.

Hand, My goal is: I will complete my project on time and done perfectly ( summative and formative )
My result of my goal, I complete all my work for each subject but I didn't complete it really well on all subject I didn't get all Es for my work completion. The two classes I got Es are Thai and Math:) <3 the teacher sooo much 😊

Heart, My goal is:  I will have 3 good friends

My result is I got lots of friends but 1 really good friend name Risha @glitterrisha
Risha and Me
Me and Risha

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