Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Science Proposal for a better classroom


Our invention is called WHEEL'Z. WHEEL'Z is a combination of wheel and chair or wheel and table. WHEEL'Z is very easy to use, made and not much money needed. WHEEL'Z will help you to be able to move more convenient, easy, fast and flexible. With the big wheel, WHEEL'Z is very easy to move. Our wheel will also help to reduce the friction between the floor and the chair/table. So instead of pushing so hard to move out of the chair, this invention will help you to be able to move more convenient, easy, fast and flexible.

My notebook is where I draft out all my ideas, my notebook help me to plan out all my thinking in a nice place so I can organize my ideas and don't mess up with my mind.

Some challenges are to collaborate. Because our group is full with boys, we need to find a way to talk to them and for they to listen. Also another challenge is when they are a lot of groups, all the people are shouting so we can't listen to each other very well.

How did we over come those challenge? We all as a group try hard to participate well with each other, and we just try to communicate as best as we can. So that everyone understands the group fixture and plan

Things needed: chair/table, wheel, bolt
                                 1       :     4    :   4                

I'm a good collaborator and helped to lead the group to success. I use good discussion techniques to get a conclusion. I listen to everyone.................I get a B      I understand, I didn't answer the question. Actually, I did. But i erased it. Good for me......................................................... SRY.. :) you didn't know that I collaborate bc i didn't write it down. I actually want to tell you, I did! No one collaborate as much as me. Not even Miu-Miu. Thankyou

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer! Where have I been?

In summer, I went to Kanchanaburi with my grandpa.

I went to three different resort and the one I liked the most is Home Phuteoy Resort because there, I can play Tree Top Adventure Park with my cousins which is very fun.

< Tree Top Adventure Park (Zip line)


Another thing I like to do is floating in the river because the water is pretty fast and it is quite scary. first I jumped out of a big raft into the river. Then the raft sped out past me to wait for me at the end. I float and float while the river flows and flows. It was scary because I cant see where are my parents when I flows pass my cabin. A while after that, I start to see the giant raft i jumped out of and I saw my parents waving. thanks god, I felt a lot better.

My piano test. I have a 6th grade ABRSM piano test held in July. That day it was scary and happy, it was lucky for me that the professor is nice and kind. I did my best in the test and I hope I get distinction. The score is not out yet until two month after the test. Now, I'm starting my 7th grade piano.      

HBD TO ME! My birthday is on the 4th of July! I have nothing to say about this...

I wish I'm able to go to the USA on my birthday! It would be really fun!

The last place I want to present to you all is "More Than A Game Cafe," a little cafe which is full of fun board game for you to play with your friends!
 the best game to play is "Ticket To Ride." If you want to know how to play this game, try going to this fabulous cafe! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Grade 7 2016-2017 GOALs


 - My personal goal is to complete 7th grade royal piano test with distinction. To complete my goal, I need to practice piano for 20 minutes everyday.


- My academics goal is to complete all my work on time and get E for work completion