Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Save The Town project - reflection

this is my erosion prevention system -
The conflicts we have is about the erosion prevention system. Because each person wants there own idea. To overcome this(improvise), we've chosen the best two which is mine and Risha's and combine it together.  The diagram below is the diagram after improvise

Science help us because it teaches us about erosion, deposition and sediment which tells us that when we build a town near the river, it'll be easy to destroy. And when we know this, we know that we need to plan a prevention system. We can prevent by making wall and this is how people prevent erosion in a garden, making a small wall. Erosion prevention will help lands to not be flooded because it can destroy everything. erosion can cause land slide which is causes by the deposit that comes with the water. We can both prevent and make erosion.  Grazing and deforesting is a way that human causes erosion. So after we know this, we will not cut down tree and there would be no erosion. 

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