Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Shark Tank Reflection

PART A: Find pictures and videos to add to your blog. This should take no more than 10 minutes.


PART B: Answer the following questions on your blog. When you are done answering the questions, publish your blog post.

  1. Think about the work and effort your team members have put into this project:
    1. What are some examples of what your classmates did that helped you learn? Please include at least three and elaborate (explain more) about how they helped.
My classmates help me to learn about how to make candles. And how hard it is to do something for all of us to all collaborate. Also, how hard it is to separate money and set the right price.

  1. How would you describe your work and cooperation? Did you contribute regularly as your group worked together?
    1. What are some examples you did in the classroom that you believe has helped other people learn? Patents, copyrights, and trademark.
    2. What were you particularly good at during group work? I work well with other and don’t complain if other don’t do their work but try to do my best.
    3. How did your contribution change over the time your group worked together? Please tell us a full story about how your roles changed or developed and your work ethic either grew stronger or weaker. First, we all work, but over time, other people start to play games and stuff and left us to work alone.
    4. How can you take what you have learned about the process of working together on a creative project and apply it in the future? If I open a business, I will choose smart people who will work well. And will set good prices and work well with other.

  1. What were your favorite parts of the Shark Tank project for:
    1. Phase 1: in phase one, I like that I was able to make my own product
    2. Phase 2: in phase two, I like that we work together and sold out our candle in just a little time.

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