Tuesday, March 21, 2017

SS map of age of exploration reflection

Describe where the above languages originated and the movement of them to other areas. Based on the map and language research, what can you conclude about how exploration has affected the world? What might it have looked like before Europeans set sail?

the language I have in my map is Russian, English, french, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Hindi and Arabic

Russian didn't spread anywhere and stay in the country. But Russia is already bigger than most country so even though it didn't spread, it is already big.

English spread all over the world but didn't spread a lot in a part of the world. In America, it spread to northern America and some parts of Africa, mostly the south Africa part, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, and ghana.

French spread a lot also, mostly in Africa. The middle parts of Africa such as Zambia, Botswana, republic of congo, central African republic and the west part like niger, mali, Togo, Burkina Faso, and Benin.

Spanish, even though the country it is small, it spread a lot bigger than it own country to the west part of south America. Countries near the Andes Mountain such as Chili, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, and Colombia.

Portuguese also is a very small country but was able to spread to around half of south America to countries like Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Uruguay, and Suriname.

Chinese, Hindi and Arabic are three other languages, like Russia, that didn't spread anywhere. But also like Russia, the countries themselves is already big compared to another country, so even though it didn't spread, it still is used in quite a lot of lands.

I can conclude that without the age of exploration, the world wouldn't still be able to communicate and each would be alone and there would be thousands of small languages. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

SS Mockumentary reflection

1. Did you tell a story or just report information?
We did a mockumentary and I think that we told a story about what happen when the crusaders were at Antioch.
2. What went well?
I think that the thing that went well is our video that is a little bit funny and has information. We didn't have any problems working together and it's a very fun time. And our video is smooth as silk.
3. What was challenging? How would you handle that challenge now?
We didn’t really prepare so much to be a director that we don't really know how many scenes we actually need and we didn’t know much about the green screen that we are supposed to not move our camera because our background went moving all the time even though it's supposed to stay still. If we can do it again, I would like to add more information, set the camera straight and shoot some more scenes to go with the audio.
4. What was enjoyable about creating this project? Did the entertainment part take away the overall message?
I really like shooting video and be the director. I don’t think that the entertainment part take away the overall message and I think that we don't actually have a really funny part but it’s just that the boys acting are funny and there acting support what happen.
5. What did you learn from this project?
I learn how to use the green screen (as I already said that we weren't supposed to move the camera) and how to actually direct other people to act in a real movie.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

SS historical fiction blogpost reflection

1. What was enjoyable about writing your narrative? Be specific.
Some things that are enjoyable about writing are such as imagination. Even though a historical fiction need to have real life history but you can still make up story and character and what you want it to do.

2. What was challenging about writing your narrative? Be specific.
As you use your imagination, it need to be appropriate for the period, like you can’t have aliens coming and help which make our imagination maybe a little in the box.

3. Evaluate (describe) your experience as a historical fiction writer. If you had more time, what would you have liked to research further/change about your narrative?
I would like to research about some battles that happen during when my character was travelling and maybe he’ll be in that battle and has more historical events and information.

4. Which crusader primary accounts or other sources did you use to help you replicate the language, events, or tone of your account? Please specify from the list which you found helpful.
I used real accurate information from Letters from the Crusaders the second letter from the web

5. Why did you choose your particular timeframe for your narrative? Was it too much, too little, or just the right amount of time to cover? Please explain.
I think it’s the just right time because my character was used to send letter and the letter doesn’t has the date on it but i know it was after the crusade has captured nicaea (from what the guy wrote in his letter) so I decided to make my character go out traveling around that time and make it the perfect age for him to be about grown-up.