Wednesday, March 1, 2017

SS historical fiction blogpost reflection

1. What was enjoyable about writing your narrative? Be specific.
Some things that are enjoyable about writing are such as imagination. Even though a historical fiction need to have real life history but you can still make up story and character and what you want it to do.

2. What was challenging about writing your narrative? Be specific.
As you use your imagination, it need to be appropriate for the period, like you can’t have aliens coming and help which make our imagination maybe a little in the box.

3. Evaluate (describe) your experience as a historical fiction writer. If you had more time, what would you have liked to research further/change about your narrative?
I would like to research about some battles that happen during when my character was travelling and maybe he’ll be in that battle and has more historical events and information.

4. Which crusader primary accounts or other sources did you use to help you replicate the language, events, or tone of your account? Please specify from the list which you found helpful.
I used real accurate information from Letters from the Crusaders the second letter from the web

5. Why did you choose your particular timeframe for your narrative? Was it too much, too little, or just the right amount of time to cover? Please explain.
I think it’s the just right time because my character was used to send letter and the letter doesn’t has the date on it but i know it was after the crusade has captured nicaea (from what the guy wrote in his letter) so I decided to make my character go out traveling around that time and make it the perfect age for him to be about grown-up.


  1. I think that your response is good, but I think that you should write more about what event do you want to write about. -Runmee 💞

  2. I really like your story and the plot but maybe try to use less exclamation marks and try to write less like modern day.

  3. I like how you researched a lot of info, making you have the clear and right info that makes your story clear.

  4. I really like your diary entries, I think they are pretty elaborate and detailed. You also wrote it so that it seems very interesting and exciting. The way you wrote it makes it seem really fun and your research evidence was pretty detailed. You make your story want readers to be interested. :D GUD JOBB!
