Friday, February 16, 2018

L'homme qui te resemble de René Philombe

L'homme qui te resemble de René Philombe

J’ai frappé à ta porte
J’ai frappé à ton coeur
Pour avoir un bon lit
Pour avoir un bon feu
Pourquoi me repousser?
Ouvre-moi mon frère !…
Pourquoi me demander
Si je suis d’Afrique
Si je suis d’Amérique
Si je suis d’Asie
Si je suis d’Europe ?
Ouvre moi mon frère !..

Pourquoi me demander
La longueur de mon nez
L’épaisseur de ma bouche
La couleur de ma peau
Et le nom de mes dieux,
Ouvre-moi mon frère !…

Je ne suis pas un noir
Je ne suis pas un rouge
Je ne suis pas un jaune
Je ne suis pas un blanc
Mais je ne suis qu’un homme
Ouvre-moi mon frère !…

Ouvre-moi ta porte
Ouvre-moi ton coeur
Car je suis un homme
L’homme de tous les temps
L’homme de tous les cieux
L’homme qui te ressemble !


I knocked at your door
I knocked at your heart
So that I may have a good bed,
So that I may have a warm fire
Why do you refuse me?
Let me in brother!

Why do you ask
If I am African
If I am American
If I am Asian
If I am European?
Let me in brother!

Why do you ask
The length of my nose
The thickness of my mouth
The color of my skin
And the name of my gods?
Let me in brother!

I am not black
I am not red
I am not white
But I am only a man
Let me in brother!

Let me in your door
Let me into your heart
Because I am a man
The man of all times
the man of all the heavens
the man who resembles you

This poem is written by an African man name René Philombe. This poem talks about racism and equality. Everybody is the same. Why do people act differently for different people by how they look, or their nationality, or the color of their skin. This poem promotes equality. All men are the same, all of us are human. I agreed with this poem because I think we are all human, we speak human language, the inside of us is the same, we all, in the end, turn so the same kind of white skeleton and soon decompose to the earth. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Triumphant First Launch for Elon Musk's Giant Rocket: science summary

A Triumphant First Launch for Elon Musk's Giant Rocket.

On February six at 3:45 PM, a rocket model was brought to life by SpaceX by Elon Musk.  This rocket is called the falcon heavy and is currently holding the title of the world's most powerful rocket right now over the Delta IV Heavy and the Saturn V. Apart from the strength, the Falcon is capable of lifting more weight than other rockets and have the cheapest launch price at only $90 million compare to the Delta IV Heavy at $400 million.
After the Falcon flies up to space, the side boosters detached from the rocket and land safely to earth just around 10 minutes after liftoff. But the center booster which was supposed to land down on a ship in the ocean went off by 100 meters from the ship, hit and sank into the ocean.  
Before the day of the launch, Elon Musk was feeling confident and happy about the Falcon's launch which came out well. With the booster detached and back to earth, the upper stage of the rocket with the Tesla car inside orbiting. Then the rocket will fire the engine for the Tesla to go to the orbit around the sun between Earth and Mars. Which Musk expects to orbit for millions of years.
Many was expecting the Falcon to likely burst into flames after all those failures like the explosions in 2015 and 2016 destroyed many things.

Long ago since the 1960s, the idea that a company other than the government can work on rockets and launch it to space was impossible. But SpaceX turned into a normal habit.