Friday, June 26, 2015
Summer school fifteenth day reflection
Today I paint a paper that write summer school and the reason is because that we learn about the color, why that we see this color. The reason is that a thing will show the color if that color reflected not observe. We can see the grass as green because the grass reflected the color green but absorb all the other color in the rainbow color from light. The light has rainbow color that make we see some thing. When I wear a red dress, the dress reflected the color red but it absorb the other color.
Monday, June 22, 2015
summer school eleven day reflection.
Today we change group, it really feels so good because there is only girl. But some times working too less is not that fun, but the best part is that I get to be away from the Rboy. In thai cooking we made tom yum kung. It is so yummy, but mine doesn't have chilli because I don't eat spicy thing. In LA I finish my comic strips. PE we have a badminton tournament. Ching ching win all of the tournament. I actually need to get fourth or third place but mister komson mistake with my score so I'm in fifth place.
summer school day ten reflection
in thai cooking art, I made sandwich frenchtoast. It is supper yummy and the evidence is that lookid eat all of the filling. In Pe we play dodgeball and I think we lose. today in La we go to the griffith library. I borrow a book called sister and i't very fun.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
summer school day nine reflection.
Today in thai cookong I made a looking good phat kra poa. I made it but I didn't eat it because it is too spicy for me. so I fried an egg and eat it with rice and maggii suace. I as my group member that is it yummy and my friend say that it is dilicous. In PE today we build a bamboo stick house and I help my friends tie the rope because they don't know how to tie it. Because we was the last group of the day we need to untied all of the rope. It was so tierd and my jean turn black.
science observation
What was your task?
My task is to biuld a thing that can protect the egg from breaking if we drop it.
How did you design your egg drop?
I desinn the egg to have a parachute and have a protection cover around the egg.
What did I learn?
I learn that a thing can come down softer with a parachute because it help to slow down by making more drag so it slowed down the egg enough to be safe from the top floor.When we took the parachute off, the egg brake.
science observation
What was your task?
My task is to biuld a thing that can protect the egg from breaking if we drop it.
How did you design your egg drop?
I desinn the egg to have a parachute and have a protection cover around the egg.
What did I learn?
I learn that a thing can come down softer with a parachute because it help to slow down by making more drag so it slowed down the egg enough to be safe from the top floor.When we took the parachute off, the egg brake.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Summer school day eight reflection
Today I eat 4 fried egg in PE, It is very yummy. We made fried egg to learn how to servive with out using electricity. We use the kind of gas that come from cow, pig and hourses poop. Mr.konpson say that they put a kind of chemical and the poop explode and turn to be a gas called tanude.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Summer school seven day reflection
Today I have a super session of dodge ball. I'm alway the last to survive. There are so many rule that some of them i cant remember. My team win the other team with the score of 5-4. At first the other team was the winner by 1-4 ( I am 1). But then we win four in a row so at the last minute we won.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Summer school six day reflection.
Today in PE we have an orienteering and my group found 6 out of seven star, it is very fun and some boys cheat by follow the girl to see the answer. Somebody have also make a fake star with pencil but we know and didn't write it on the paper. My group has Me, Sunny and Friend. The hardest would be near the flag pole and between the high school and Griffith library.
Summer shool fifth day reflection
Today I make fried egg with pork and rice
But the stove doesn't work soms.da ( the teacher ) change the stove , but the other one was too hot it burn all the egg. At first I also put in to many pork and at last the fried egg is very not yummy. But I think it's okay because it is our first time ( for me putting the pork in.)
But the stove doesn't work soms.da ( the teacher ) change the stove , but the other one was too hot it burn all the egg. At first I also put in to many pork and at last the fried egg is very not yummy. But I think it's okay because it is our first time ( for me putting the pork in.)
Summer School fourth day reflection
the super delicious french toast.
This french toast contain whip cream, syrup ,chocolate, bread, egg, milk, and a little icing. It taste very good.
This french toast contain whip cream, syrup ,chocolate, bread, egg, milk, and a little icing. It taste very good.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
summer school third day reflection.
The .......... pancake.
Today in thai cooking art and craft we made a pancake.![ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ pancake]()
Today in thai cooking art and craft we made a pancake.
I put mapple syrup and some melted butter on my pancake
My pancake taste sweet'n sour
The ingredient contians pancake flour, an egg , milk and alittle sugar.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Summer school second day reflection
The surface tension test.
Today science we observe about how does different liquid affect the difference amount of drop on a one bath surface tension?
this is one of the kind of liquid we use ( soda water )![](
the third kind of liquid I use ( salty water ) ![](
the last kind of liquid we use.![](
Monday, June 8, 2015
Summer School first day reflection
The Spaghetti tower
What is your task?
My task is to build the tallest spaghetti tower with spaghetti, a marshmallow, tape and paper.
What did you learn?
I learn to cooperate with other people and learn about the technique to build a tower that can stay by it self.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
poetry presentation reflection
reflection Question
What is the easiest part? the easiest part is to choose and writes poems because I don't need to think much about how beautiful or ugly it is but i choose from my feeling.
What is the best part? the best part is putting picture in because all the picture are so cute and it is very easy to find in the internet.
What did you done well?graphics because all of the graphics are very awesome for me.
What can you improve? Make the poem more making sense because after all the comment I read, Risha says to almost all of my poem that it doesn't really make sense ( But Alanah understand ).
What did you learn? I learn about difference kind of poems and how is it difference for example : couplet is a two line poem and alliteration is a poem that have alot of the same first syllable for each word..
In paragraphs
I think the easiest part is to choose and writes poems because I don't need to think much about how beautiful or ugly it is but i choose from my feeling. The best part for me is to put in pictures because all the picture are so cute and it is very easy to find in the internet.And the part I think that I have done very well would be to put in graphics and pictures because all of the graphics are very awesome for me.. I could improve by make the poem more making sense because after all the comment I read, Risha says to almost all of my poem that it doesn't really make sense ( But Alanah understand ).From this presentation it teach me about difference kind of poems and the difference of each poem for example : couplet is a two line poem and alliteration is a poem that have a lot of the same first syllable for each word.
social study reflection
What explorer did you choose? I choose francisco pizzaro because both me and kenny have a little bit of information about this explorer at first so we think it will be easier that we choose the one we already know about.
What did you done well? I done well with the imovie part because it is easy to just put in video and picture and arrange a little bit.
What is the hardest part? Move the character because i cant not see how the character move and i got tired while move the character.
What did you learn?I learn about an explorer, when and where did he explore and born. Where did he explore and why did he explore.
What can you improve? I can improve with the recording and character moving because there is back ground noise and the character move to much.
As paragraphs
I choose francisco pizzaro because both me and kenny have a little bit of information about this explorer at first so we think it will be easier that we choose the one we already know about. And the part I have done well is with the Imovie part because it is easy to just put in video and picture and arrange a little bit. The hardest part for me is to move the character because I can't really see where the character is going and i got tired while move the character.I learn about an explorer, when and where did he explore and born. Where did he explore and why did he explore. I think I can improve with the recording and character moving because there is back ground noise and the character move to much.
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