Tuesday, June 2, 2015

social study reflection

What explorer did you choose? I choose francisco pizzaro because both me and kenny have a little bit of information about this explorer at first so we think it will be easier that we choose the one we already know about.
What did you done well? I done well with the imovie part because it is easy to just put in video and picture and arrange a little bit.
What is the hardest part? Move the character because i cant not see how the character move and i got tired while move the character.
What did you learn?I learn about an explorer, when and where did he explore and born. Where did he explore and why did he explore.
What can you improve? I can improve with the recording and character moving because there is back ground noise and the character move to much.

As paragraphs

 I choose francisco pizzaro because both me and kenny have a little bit of information about this explorer at first so we think it will be easier that we choose the one we already know about. And the part I have done well is with the Imovie part because it is easy to just put in video and picture and arrange a little bit. The hardest part for me is to move the character because I can't really see where the character is going and i got tired while move the character.I learn about an explorer, when and where did he explore and born. Where did he explore and why did he explore. I think I can improve with the recording and character moving because there is back ground noise and the character move to much.

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