Thursday, December 8, 2016

Science Reflection Quater 2

What did you learn about the water cycle? (review) 

I learn 3 more stages about the water cycle not only just evaporation, condensation and participation but also surface runoff, ground water, and transpiration too.m

What did you learn about teamwork? (summative) 

I learn that when we need to work together, we need to work with other nicely and listen to each other idea also not only your own because sometimes your friend may have a good idea but if you don't ask them, you won't get the best idea. I also learn that your friend maybe better than you think and don't judge them before you see what they can do.

What did you learn about the design process? (summative)

I learn that your first idea maybe or maybe not the best idea and working with your friends to come up with new idea maybe better. Keep building on ideas and ideas will help you to get the best idea. 

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