Friday, September 1, 2017

What I learned this week in LA 1-9-17

This week, we learn about the different point of views, the first person, 3rd person omniscient, and 3rd person limited. First person point of view stories is those with the narrator as the character, using pronouns such as I, me and we.  Third person omniscient is written by a narrator who is not the character itself. Third person omniscient is like the view by god, the narrator knows every thinking and feeling of almost every person in the story. On the other hand, the third person limited is written also by a narrator who is not the character, but the thinking and feeling are limited. The narrator doesn't know everything unlike third person omniscient.

We also learn and use outlines in making an essay. The outline includes the thesis statement, which is what the author claim about a topic. The 3 reasons to support the thesis and the examples given to support the reason.

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