Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The elements of plot

A plot uses to plot a story have the following elements:
  1. the protagonist: the main character of the story.
  2.  The Antagonist: the character or things that go against the Protagonist.
  3. The Setting: the place and time that the story took place in.
  4. The Internal conflict: a conflict between the character itself. A disagreement between the character's mind or thinking between itself.
  5. The External conflict: the conflict between a person and another person, person and nature or person and society
  6. Rising actions: actions that led to the climax(7)
  7. Climax: the tensest conflict in the story.
  8. Falling Action: the action that is the result, the outcome of the climax, can be good or bad.
  9. Resolution: the final result of the story. Maybe good or bad.
  10. Theme: the author main idea of the story
  11. Symbolism: a thing or other noun that the author use to "symbolize" the theme
  12. Foreshadowing: the actions that give some hints about the climax.

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