Monday, September 4, 2017

The protestant reformation

The Protestant Reformation happened after the medieval time. It's the time of Christianity reformation. The reformation of Christian to Protestant, Calvinism, Lutheran and other types of Christianity happened during the period. The reformation happened when people know more about the wrong things that the church was doing, the lies and everything. Like selling indulgence and getting a lot of money. Because of the Gutenberg press, people get to read the bible and realized that the things the priest were telling them and doing to them were all lies. Marthin Luther, a main figure in the period who know about the wrong doing of the church and tried to stop it. With the help of the bible, people know that the church was lying and believe more in him. He also sticks the 95 theses to the door of the church and when people read it, they know more about the church and they start following him, and Lutheran was created. Other people also thought that the church was bad, some have good reasons like John Calvin, some have weird reasons like King Henry. the impact of all these new religions also led to war and split of Christianity and country, but bring back the real Christianity and stop the church corruption. All of this led to the Protestant Christianity which is why the name of the period is the Protestant Reformation.

this is a picture of a mind map about the protestant reformation

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