Thursday, November 23, 2017

Women rights around the world

This week, we learned about women's right. There are lots of country in the world that doesn't have equal right between women and men. We learn about them in Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa. I and my group got assigned to Europe. We study and found out that Europe doesn't have a lot of problems with women rights. But have some in less developed country. One country that really pops out is Andora, Andora doesn't have equal rights in government or jobs. Some sexual violence but not as harsh as in Africa. In Africa, women can't go to school, they don't have their rights, the cant stand up for themselves so over thousands and thousands of women get child marriage and rape, worse of all, they have traditions of genital mutilation which is used to control women from having something with men because men can't control themselves. Or in Asia, men think that women are nothing but a housewife and take care of children. And lastly, in North America, that women are being domestically abused. All these problems happen because of men. They feel like they are in power and women are under them. Or like the genital mutilation, if men learn to control themselves, so to improve this, we should have laws and educated men and women.

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