Thursday, December 15, 2016

ETK reflection

I was in the Green Group. We were the only group that get to be in the cave for 2 hours, the rest of the people get 5 minutes in the cave. This is because our group were the first group to get in the cave and we discover that there are snakes in the cave so the other teachers decide (i think) to not go to that cave.  We have a helmet and a head light which is very heavy. We first need to walk up like a hundreds of steps which makes me just ready to go home. After that we'll see the cave. We walk in 1 by 1 down the stair and i was 1 of the first group of people, after I walk down the stair, a while after that, somebody shouted that they saw snake on the stairs and I was really scare because its a SNAKE! I walked with maxima, the cave was very beautiful. We have 10 minutes of dark silence to listen to the sound in the cave ( but I hear nothing).  When we turn on our flashlight again, we look up and saw a nature made elephant statue. We continue walking and an hour later, Miumiu's flashlight went off. She was really scared and no one was there except me. So she walked with me and I helped her with the light. The hardest part in the journey was the last part, we need to walk in a very narrow path. With Miumiu's light dead, I have a very important job. The path was so narrow we need to walk side ways. There are holes on the path and it was very hard to walk down and walk up. But we made it at last, me and Miumiu were the 5th people to go get out.

Hiking was very hard because you need to walk, walk, walk, and walk and see so less thing

The best memory is when caving, when we're eating mama, when Mr.Boyd shot the lazer into our cabin to Maxima's room which there are no one in there and he keep shooting for so long which is funny, when we discover there are tape on our door, and when playing uno attack.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Updated LA and SS goal

My goal was to get E for responsibility and in this semester, I met by goal by getting E in responsibility for both SS and LA which means that I have responsible bringing my things to class. For next semester, I would try to get E in Engagement.

Poetry Portfolio Story Jumper

Book titled 'My 3 poems collection'Read this free book made on StoryJumperWhat is my favorite poem?
My favorite poem is Anxiety, this is because it's the poem I did without having an outline and I can do it however I want which I liked very much because I don't need to make it to fix the outline.

What was the most challenging part of the project?
The most challenging part for me in the project would be how to think of something that would relate with the outline of the poem because our poem is created based on another poem and its hard to think of something that is related to them and is about us.

If I had more time, how would you change?
If I had more time, I would put in more devices such as alliteration, onomatopoeia and more to make my poem better and more fun to read.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Semester 1 math reflection

Overall, how do you think you performed ?

I think that overall my scores is not that good this year. I got 3 M's and 3 E's which should be all E's. So I think that I didn't perform really good this semester and I think that I should do a better job next semester.

Are your scores an accurate reflection of your knowledge / effort?

For my knowledge, I think that it's not. This is because I normally can do better than this. But in this year, since map test , my scores dropped. For my effort, I think that it maybe accurate because my effort for learning math this year dropped when my math scores dropped and I think it's also because I didn't study math really hard during the summer break.

Are you completing the assignments as required with date/ label writing the problems down and showing the steps?

Yes, I'm completing my assignments as required with date, labels, writing problems, and showing my work.

What topics did you learn - what did you like best, least

In this semester, we learn about different ways to solve problems, solving problems using venn diagram,  inequality,  integers, order of operation, absolute value, algorithm, fractions, prime factorization. 

The topic I like the most is integers, algorithm, inequality and equality. 

The topic I like the least is absolute value because I think there's nothing.

What was a challenge for you (could be academics or behavior)

I think my challenge this year would be to score E's because my amount of M's is equal to E's which it "should" be less than that. 

 what was easy for you

From the scores that came out, I think that things that are very easy to me maybe venn diagrams, inequality, fractions, integers, order of operation.

4 things that you are most proud of

1. My test                 2. My poster                3. All my work                4. My scores

3 things you could have done better

1. Showing works because 1 of my test say that I didn't show my work and if I don't show my work again my scores will drop. 

2. Scores : about accuracy. I should check my work more before handing it in.

3. My hand writing which I think is a bit crapy. 

2 things you will improve

I think that I can improve on my skills about equation sentences, I think that I can do better on understanding what the words mean and don't mess it up. 

 I think that I can also improve my engagement in class about raise hand and answer question because I like to be scared at "the teacher" so I don't like to share ideas.

1 thing you will totally change

 I would totally change my engagement in class because the time of the class are very sleepy time and I like to take a nap which will make me not listening to the teacher and when we don't listen we may miss something important.

Science Reflection Quater 2

What did you learn about the water cycle? (review) 

I learn 3 more stages about the water cycle not only just evaporation, condensation and participation but also surface runoff, ground water, and transpiration too.m

What did you learn about teamwork? (summative) 

I learn that when we need to work together, we need to work with other nicely and listen to each other idea also not only your own because sometimes your friend may have a good idea but if you don't ask them, you won't get the best idea. I also learn that your friend maybe better than you think and don't judge them before you see what they can do.

What did you learn about the design process? (summative)

I learn that your first idea maybe or maybe not the best idea and working with your friends to come up with new idea maybe better. Keep building on ideas and ideas will help you to get the best idea. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

French 1st quater grade 7 reflection

Image result for frenchWhat you have learned during this first quarter?  We learned unit 6 and unit 7. Unit 6 is about cloths in french, verbs uses with cloths such as acheter or to buy and preferer or to prefer. We also learn about other verb such as choisir, finir or grossir. Lastly, we learn about money and other verbs like payer and gagner. Unit 7 is about weekends and vacation and new activities. More expresions with verb avoir. Lastly we learn about passe compose.

What is your attitude in class?
I think that I learn really good in class and understand the teacher very easily. I work very well and complete my homework. Have you done the best in your French class?
I try to do my best because sometimes I started to talk too much and get off-task.
How can you improved and overcome some obstacles that your are facing in French class?
Image result for frenchI can improve obstacle such as obstacles when their is a test, I sometimes get a P. by reviewing about 5 minutes a day to unsure that I understand the idea correctly and can remember correctly.
Image result for frenchImage result for french

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Save The Town project - reflection

this is my erosion prevention system -
The conflicts we have is about the erosion prevention system. Because each person wants there own idea. To overcome this(improvise), we've chosen the best two which is mine and Risha's and combine it together.  The diagram below is the diagram after improvise

Science help us because it teaches us about erosion, deposition and sediment which tells us that when we build a town near the river, it'll be easy to destroy. And when we know this, we know that we need to plan a prevention system. We can prevent by making wall and this is how people prevent erosion in a garden, making a small wall. Erosion prevention will help lands to not be flooded because it can destroy everything. erosion can cause land slide which is causes by the deposit that comes with the water. We can both prevent and make erosion.  Grazing and deforesting is a way that human causes erosion. So after we know this, we will not cut down tree and there would be no erosion. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Post Classical Era Research: The Mongolian Empire

1. What was your part of the presentation? What empire did you present on?
My part is about the collapse. How the dynasty became to an end and  what led to an end. The empire we did is the Song Empire.

2. Name 2-3 ways your empire was similar to other empires. Use evidence from your notes to support your answer.
One way that the Song empire is like the Islamic caliphates is that they were both attacked by the Mongols.Song was attacked by the Mongols in 1279 and Islamic caliphates was attacked by the Mongols in 1258. This shows that an attack can led to the fall of something. It also show how powerful the Mongolians was because they were able to attack empires which eventually became to the fall of that empire.

A way that the song dynasty is like the Medieval Europe is invention. Some invention in the Song dynasty are quite similar the invention in the Medieval Europe. For example, the clock. In the 13th century, Medieval Europe created a Mechanical clock. In 1094, Su Song of the Song dynasty created a clock Tower.

Another invention which is quite similar is the Printing system. In the 15th century, Medieval Europe came up with a Printing machine. In 1041, Song Dynasty made the first Movable type printing. This can shows that people can have the same ideas even though they are far apart, or near. So don't always say that people copy you. It also can conclude that the different of time make it better. Because the invention of the medieval Europe was created later on after the Song Dynasty and it was much more modern and hi-tech than the Song Dynasty.

Another thing that each empire have in common that led to the fall is war or an attack. Islamic end because a war between them and the Byzantine Empire and the Mongols. Even mongols became to an end because the attack by the Ming dynasty. And the Song empire end because the attack by the Mongols. fighting each other always become an end. It also shows that nothing can last for ever, some day, it will still end.

3. Name 2-3 ways your empire was different from other empires. Think about the big picture, not things like they had different inventions or leaders. 

A different that the Song and the Medieval Europe is in the collapse, the Medieval didn't fall because of an attack, but because of a disease. Unlike other Empire Medieval Europe collapse because of the Black Plague  that spread all over Europe an kills people. It start when rats in trading ship come in an make people sick. This is called the Black Death.

Another different is the different between the Song and the Islamic caliphates. It's a different between religion. The Song Dynasty was influence by Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity. On the other hand, the Islamic Caliphates was created with Islam. As it got it name Islamic Caliphates.

4. What was difficult about this project? What would you do differently if you were to do this project again? 
The difficult things are such as researching the right information because each sources has different information and we need to look for the best one. I didn't use duckster as many people use. And I'm not sure if my information are right. But the way I use to look for sites are that they are not .com the most I like is .org and .edu. And I know that Wikipedia is not a reliable source because anyone can edit it.

If I can do it again, I would want to find more sources and maybe use Duckster. But from our presentation we did, we struggle with the kahoot because all the question are messed up. So if I can present again, I would like to fix my kahoot. I also want to speak slower than last time because I felt that I was rushing through the information to get to the end as quick as possible.

Working together is also hard, but we can get pass it. The thing I can do better next time is work with my group and collaborate.

5. What is the best learning you have taken away from this research experience? How will you apply this new knowledge in the future?

The best learning I get is about how Empire end. It teaches me that if we have a weaker army can just make the whole empire collapse. This means that if you do something and you don't practice as hard as other and you are weaker, they can just beat you and you will fall just like the Empire. This also teaches that if you want a good team, you need a good leader. Like Taizu or even Genghis khan.
Image result for songdynasty

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Science Proposal for a better classroom


Our invention is called WHEEL'Z. WHEEL'Z is a combination of wheel and chair or wheel and table. WHEEL'Z is very easy to use, made and not much money needed. WHEEL'Z will help you to be able to move more convenient, easy, fast and flexible. With the big wheel, WHEEL'Z is very easy to move. Our wheel will also help to reduce the friction between the floor and the chair/table. So instead of pushing so hard to move out of the chair, this invention will help you to be able to move more convenient, easy, fast and flexible.

My notebook is where I draft out all my ideas, my notebook help me to plan out all my thinking in a nice place so I can organize my ideas and don't mess up with my mind.

Some challenges are to collaborate. Because our group is full with boys, we need to find a way to talk to them and for they to listen. Also another challenge is when they are a lot of groups, all the people are shouting so we can't listen to each other very well.

How did we over come those challenge? We all as a group try hard to participate well with each other, and we just try to communicate as best as we can. So that everyone understands the group fixture and plan

Things needed: chair/table, wheel, bolt
                                 1       :     4    :   4                

I'm a good collaborator and helped to lead the group to success. I use good discussion techniques to get a conclusion. I listen to everyone.................I get a B      I understand, I didn't answer the question. Actually, I did. But i erased it. Good for me......................................................... SRY.. :) you didn't know that I collaborate bc i didn't write it down. I actually want to tell you, I did! No one collaborate as much as me. Not even Miu-Miu. Thankyou

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer! Where have I been?

In summer, I went to Kanchanaburi with my grandpa.

I went to three different resort and the one I liked the most is Home Phuteoy Resort because there, I can play Tree Top Adventure Park with my cousins which is very fun.

< Tree Top Adventure Park (Zip line)


Another thing I like to do is floating in the river because the water is pretty fast and it is quite scary. first I jumped out of a big raft into the river. Then the raft sped out past me to wait for me at the end. I float and float while the river flows and flows. It was scary because I cant see where are my parents when I flows pass my cabin. A while after that, I start to see the giant raft i jumped out of and I saw my parents waving. thanks god, I felt a lot better.

My piano test. I have a 6th grade ABRSM piano test held in July. That day it was scary and happy, it was lucky for me that the professor is nice and kind. I did my best in the test and I hope I get distinction. The score is not out yet until two month after the test. Now, I'm starting my 7th grade piano.      

HBD TO ME! My birthday is on the 4th of July! I have nothing to say about this...

I wish I'm able to go to the USA on my birthday! It would be really fun!

The last place I want to present to you all is "More Than A Game Cafe," a little cafe which is full of fun board game for you to play with your friends!
 the best game to play is "Ticket To Ride." If you want to know how to play this game, try going to this fabulous cafe! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Grade 7 2016-2017 GOALs


 - My personal goal is to complete 7th grade royal piano test with distinction. To complete my goal, I need to practice piano for 20 minutes everyday.


- My academics goal is to complete all my work on time and get E for work completion

Friday, May 27, 2016

Books goal for summer

1. The marvels
sImage result for marvels logo
2. harry potter

Image result for harry potter logo

3. The Mysterious Benedict Society series
Image result for the Mysterious Benedict Society series

4. Horrible series
 Image result for horrible histories