Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My hero outline

My hero name is Josh James Olives

James was 12 at the start of the story
He has yellow oak eyes and yellow oak hair
James is deaf, He has a tornado shape thingy (cant tell what it is) in his ear. He is 120c.m.(when he was 12) 

James was travelling to school in the school bus and every body turns in to water and the driver told ( trick ) everybody in the bus that 1 person need to get our of the bus or else it will sink. So James was forced to get out because he was short and ugly
He is scared of nights.
He lives with Mrs and Mr Olives. They are the richest family in LA. Mr. Olives is also deaf
Mother, Father and son
The tornado thingy in his ear, 


  1. I like how you tell his age and describe him like what is his eye colors and what is his hair color is. I also like how you talk about something in your story too! Is it your beginning of your story? One more thing I like about is I like how you tell what height he have too! But maybe you can add some image in too. So excited to see how he look like >o<

  2. I think it is great the put the name Oak in the color of the hair and the eyes
