Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Slice Of Life No.4

"IT"S GAMES DAY!!!!!" I shouted loudly in my head so nobody heard it. Today is games day. But it's not NORMAL like every other FRIDAY! It's GAMES DAY! Everybody knows, in games day we play and play and play. But in Middle School, we play All Day Long! Not 24 hour, but still ALL DAY LONG! As we played all day, we played a variety of games. The best one for me would be the WATER WHEEEEEEEEEEEL! After lunch, middle schoolers met at the Godbout field again. The rule for the game was to pass water from the back of your head until the water met the bucket. Our goal was to try to get as much water as we could in the bucket. The score depends on how much water we have in our bucket. I settle my self up at the end of the line to be the person who pass the water into the bucket. Ms. Kristy told me to walk closer to the line because she thought we're suppose to be as small as possible, but she's not really correct. Mr.Komson walked up and talked something that was impossible to be heard of from 3 metre away. Ms.Kristy, then walked back and told me to move near the bucket again. The Sun was shining brightly hot, and one second felt like one minute. Around 25 minute later, the game start. Because I was the one at the end, it takes time for water to past the other people. When the turtle fully crosses the rode, the first cup of water came to me. I'm not sure about how you are suppose to pour the water in to the bucket.
"Can we just turn around and pour the water in?" I asked Mr.Tim who was standing at the end of the line to the left.
"Yeah,maybe." Mr.Tim answer with confusing expression. I listen to the teacher so I turn around and pour the water in. The water takes time to get to the end so the five last people would be waiting a lot of time in the game. A guy behind Pat was waiting with his back to the person in front of him. The "person in front of HIM" was not reminding "the guy" to hold his cup up for the water. The "person in front of HIM" pour the water down from his head with out looking and all the water went through his hair, back then to the floor.
"Shoot!" I shouted loudly. The scores was now laying on the floor because the 4th person from the back was not looking. "A girl" look back to see who was screaming and it's me. I close my lips with a shame on me. Soon, the "person in front of HIM" pour the water and again, the person behind him was not looking! So the scores went down to the floor again.
"Shoot!" I shouted loudly. "A girl" look back to see who was screaming again and it's ME. Around 3 minutes later he "person in front of HIM" pour the water and again, the person behind him was not looking. Well, I don't need to say that our score was on the floor again.
The game was over, I'm sure that we wont get first place. One reason is because the "person in front of HIM" pour the water and again, the person behind him was not looking. Another reason was the "person in front of HIM" pour the water and again, the person behind him was not looking. The last one was the "person in front of HIM" pour the water and again, the person behind him was not looking!!!!! As I assumed, I was right! We didn't win, just 0.2 more score to win. But our chances is laying on the floor just a few rulers away from the bucket( water from the "person in front of HIM" pour the water and again, the person behind him was not looking! ). We didn't win, but we have a really fun time. HAPPY GAMES DAY!


  1. That... was... incredible! You made your story very specific. Your best sentence was: "IT"S GAMES DAY!!!!!" I shouted loudly in my head so nobody heard it.
    That was an amazing starting sentence. Subject: I. Predicate: Shouted loudly. Amazing job!

  2. I have really liked how you were telling about the other person in front of you were pouring water in the other people heads. But the sentence that i had liked the most in the writing was "The rule for the game was to pass water from the back of your head until the water met the bucket. Our goal was to try to get as much water as we could in the bucket. The score depends on how much water we have in our bucket. I think that it is the best sentence because it had everything that you need to have to make a good sentence.
