Friday, September 22, 2017

French toast

SugarX Franch Toast.

Enjoy the crunchy caramelized sugar on soft golden french toast.

Let see what we need to create this yummy breakfast!
- 3 Bread - preferred to be thick and soft.
- 2 tablespoon of milk
- 1 egg
- A lot of sugar - brown sugar will caramelize and taste the best
- Some Cinnamon
- Some Butter


  1.  Mix 2 tablespoon of milk and 1 egg together
  2.  Add sugar and cinnamon to the mix and mix truly
  3.  Put sugar on a plate to dip the bread in
  4.  Soak the bread into the mix 
  5.  Heat up the pan and put a little amount of butter in it
  6.  Get the bread out of the mix and dip it in the sugar
  7.  After the butter sizzle, put the bread in the pan 
  8.  Wait until the bread turn brown and flip the side
  9.  When both sides are brown, flip it again so the sugar will caramelize - do it to both sides
  10.  Take the bread out when both sides are dark brown
  11.  Done! Your french toast is ready to be eaten and poured with maple syrup!

  •  Make sure your sugar doesn't burn but turn to solid
  •  Make sure the egg is cooked not raw inside the bread
  •  Don't leave the wooden turner in the pan

To be improved: We should add fruits into the french toast and put in some butter sauce. We shouldn't have put too much sugar into the mix because we are putting so much on the bread itself to caramelized.

Image result for frenchtoast -- We are not able to take the picture of our french toast.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tone, Mood, and Flashback.


The tone is what the author tries to express to us in a book, movie, music or art. They use color, description, and pitch to make us understand it. But what we feel from their tone is the mood. The mood is what the reader or the viewer receive through the tone that the author gives.
EXP:Image result for scary alligator
Because of the dark and black color that the picture has and the red fire eye, the mood that the viewer receive is scary and frightening.

Flashback is part of the story that goes back to the past event that already happened that help the reader to understand what is happening.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mallow Dough

Hi guys, today we are making a Mallow Dough! Cookies with marshmallow fillings! MMMM, smelling yummy!
Soft chocolate chip cookies, with a creamy marshmallow filling inside!

It's a perfect snack for a happy day.

smores cookies

pictures and information from chocolatecoveredkatie's blog

Ingredients for 17 people:

  • 2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 Tsp salt
  • 1 cup unrefined sugar or xylitol
  • 2/3 cup chocolate chips
  • 4 tbsp milk of choice
  • 4 tbsp oil (24g)
  • 1/2 Tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 34 mini marshmallows
Mix all the dry ingredients except the marshmallow, add the milk, stir until it becomes a dough. Make the dough into little pieces of circles, put the marshmallow into the dough, make the circle dough into a circle putting the marshmallow in the middle. Preheat oven to 325 F then bakes for 11 minutes on the center rack. Let them cool 10 minutes. Then our cookie is ready to be eaten.

pictures and information from chocolatecoveredkatie's blog

The elements of plot

A plot uses to plot a story have the following elements:
  1. the protagonist: the main character of the story.
  2.  The Antagonist: the character or things that go against the Protagonist.
  3. The Setting: the place and time that the story took place in.
  4. The Internal conflict: a conflict between the character itself. A disagreement between the character's mind or thinking between itself.
  5. The External conflict: the conflict between a person and another person, person and nature or person and society
  6. Rising actions: actions that led to the climax(7)
  7. Climax: the tensest conflict in the story.
  8. Falling Action: the action that is the result, the outcome of the climax, can be good or bad.
  9. Resolution: the final result of the story. Maybe good or bad.
  10. Theme: the author main idea of the story
  11. Symbolism: a thing or other noun that the author use to "symbolize" the theme
  12. Foreshadowing: the actions that give some hints about the climax.

Monday, September 4, 2017

The protestant reformation

The Protestant Reformation happened after the medieval time. It's the time of Christianity reformation. The reformation of Christian to Protestant, Calvinism, Lutheran and other types of Christianity happened during the period. The reformation happened when people know more about the wrong things that the church was doing, the lies and everything. Like selling indulgence and getting a lot of money. Because of the Gutenberg press, people get to read the bible and realized that the things the priest were telling them and doing to them were all lies. Marthin Luther, a main figure in the period who know about the wrong doing of the church and tried to stop it. With the help of the bible, people know that the church was lying and believe more in him. He also sticks the 95 theses to the door of the church and when people read it, they know more about the church and they start following him, and Lutheran was created. Other people also thought that the church was bad, some have good reasons like John Calvin, some have weird reasons like King Henry. the impact of all these new religions also led to war and split of Christianity and country, but bring back the real Christianity and stop the church corruption. All of this led to the Protestant Christianity which is why the name of the period is the Protestant Reformation.

this is a picture of a mind map about the protestant reformation

Friday, September 1, 2017

What I learned this week in LA 1-9-17

This week, we learn about the different point of views, the first person, 3rd person omniscient, and 3rd person limited. First person point of view stories is those with the narrator as the character, using pronouns such as I, me and we.  Third person omniscient is written by a narrator who is not the character itself. Third person omniscient is like the view by god, the narrator knows every thinking and feeling of almost every person in the story. On the other hand, the third person limited is written also by a narrator who is not the character, but the thinking and feeling are limited. The narrator doesn't know everything unlike third person omniscient.

We also learn and use outlines in making an essay. The outline includes the thesis statement, which is what the author claim about a topic. The 3 reasons to support the thesis and the examples given to support the reason.